LG Electronics has announced a new portable Russia Blu-ray and DVD-players. Model LG BP690B, DP691D, DP671D and DP650 is now on sale at a price of 9,990 rubles, 6,990 rubles, 6,490 rubles and 3,790 rubles respectively. They play discs DVD-Video, VCD, CD, as well as files WMA, MP3, JPEG, HD JPEG, DivX, accompanying video surround sound. New players can work in standalone mode, up to 5 hours.
The new lineup, in fact, only one player Blu-ray - LG BP690B. It is equipped with 9-inch swivel screen and can display HD video 1080p. In addition, it supports files MKV, DIVx HD with external hard drives up to 2 TB, which can connect via USB. In this model, only one of all, there is a wired access to online content, YouTube, Picasa, and Accuweather.
Other models - is DVD-players. Model LG DP691D with turning a 9-inch display and a TV tuner, DP671D and DP650 - 7-inch folding screens. In this case, a TV tuner in LG DP671D also available, in addition, the company separately said its design: a framework for monitor and control panels are made in white color, and body - in a dark chocolate. Also, all devices are compatible with interface USB 2.0.