Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Flickr account will expire on April 20 - arghhh

I just received a note from Flickr that my pro account will expire this April 20, I’m so sad that my pro account will end after a year of fun in uploading too many photos for my blog and for everyone. But I have a choice to purchase and extend the pro account. Thanks to for the pro gift of my one year pro account here in Flickr. So its up to me if I can continue another year. And my answer is…

Yes! I’ll extend the pro account, but the problem is that I already encashed my Paypal money and I didn’t know that they are now accepting paypal payments, I remember last year that they don’t accept yet for paypal payments, but today, they allow it. Problem is that, I want to extend my Pro account, but the paypal money that I will use for this account is already processed by the bank to be converted into a real money.. arghhhh now I have to wait for another month to generate more paypal money for another service subscription to Flickr.

I love Flickr!
They host all photos in my blog and I don’t encounter yet any problem with them. I love the pro account because they give unlimited bandwidth for your photo host and unlimited photo uploads. On previous post in my blog, I used my Windows Live Writer to post a content in my blog, some photos are hosted at Picassa, but now I discovered that there’s a Flickr2Writer plug in, and you can post photos and the entire album using the plugin for your Windows Live Writer. Blogging and posting my photo coverage is much more easier,compare to copying the html codes one by one of each photos that I uploaded. Its a great combination in blogging – Blogspot and Flickr.

image Here’s a reminder from Flickr about my account

Ohh! I saw this in my account…so if anyone of you wants to donate..heheheh just inform me :)

image Here’s the rate of a one year pro account

Here’s a comparison for Pro and Free account.

image And I love the Pro Account because they have this statistic report that will show in your front page of Flickr, and it displays how many pics you have, the number of views and number of comments activity.

And wow! I have 17,013 photos!!! and I just checked that my profile views got an average impression of 900 views per day.. wow!!!!! I just hope that I can monetize in my Flickr ahhhaahahh.

If you want to have a free account, just log in using your Yahoo! ID and visit -

add me and check my profile here at