Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gay Muslims

The article above is about a Gay Imam and how Gay Muslims are getting married by 'nikah'

I'm not a saint and i do commit sins. And if my religion, Islam says something is a sin, i accept it. I won't go around saying the sinful thing is not a sin. I won't encourage people to do what i did because it is a sin. So if what i did is a sin, why do i still do it anyway? Human weakness. But I do feel guilt and shame. And the guilt and shame to God and Public is the main reason why i keep quiet about my sinful acts.

But there is ANOTHER KIND of people who do a sinful act without any shame or perhaps even try to use the name of religion to make that sinful act non sinful. A perfect example of this is where gay people insist that they should be allowed to get married. If i was gay, i would be gay privately. From religious perspective, homosexuality is wrong and sinful so i have no right to demand this and that for being gay which is clearly wrong.

Why do you want to go against the words of God? If He says something is SINFUL, it's sinful. End of story. Don't give excuses saying that heterosexuals have no right to say homosexuality is wrong because the religion clearly prohibits it. Don't say let God be the judge of it because the Quran, Bible and other religious books already shows God's hatred towards homosexuality.

Since i'm a Muslim, i will only quote verses from the Quran :

Verses 7 :80-81, 26:165-172, 27:54-58, 29:28-29 tells the story of Prophet Lut whereby during his time, homosexuality was practiced openly. He told them to ceased such practice but they refused. So God asked Lut and the followers who listened to him to leave the place and in return, God destroyed the place and the people who practices homosexuality.

So you already see the wrath of Allah towards homosexuals, so why are you still doing it again? To make it even worse, homosexuals these days demand their rights to be recognized. Are you defying God openly? It's like as if you are saying what you are doing is NOT A SIN AT ALL.

Verse 4:23 tells a man of the kind of WOMEN he can't marry. This impliedly tells you that MAN CAN ONLY MARRY A WOMAN. If God says men can marry both men and women, why didn't he include the types of MEN which men can't marry too?

According to the article above, the stupid shameless gay imam says that if gays are not allowed to get married, it will be going against the Quran because and i quote him, "Since Islamic legal precedence does not allow same sexes to wed, Muslim societies make it a legal impossibility within Islam [but] by not allowing same-sex couples to wed, there is a direct attack on the Koran's message that each person has a mate who is their 'comfort and their cloak'."

What a pathetic lame argument. Yes, God promises you a MATE but if you are a MAN, your mate is a WOMAN, vice versa. There are many verses in the Quran that says homosexuality is wrong. So why is the stupid imam being IGNORANT?

I simply don't understand why these gays want their rights to be acknowledged by giving them the right to get married. Would it kill you just to be gay in your private capacity? A thief knows that stealing is wrong, that's why he steals quietly and don't go around telling people he's a thief. Having sex out of wedlock is wrong too. Nobody goes around saying they are having sex out of wedlock openly unless he doesn't feel shameful of it.